Pepai Jangala Carroll: Ngayulu nyanganyi ngura winki – I can see all those places


Kunmanara Carroll was a Luritja, Pintupi and Pitjantjatjara man based in Pukatja and working from Ernabella Arts. He was born in 1950 and passed away in 2021.

Mr Carroll had a long career in a range of roles including as Community Constable. In 2009 he started painting at Ernabella Arts and in 2011 he was introduced to ceramics. Concerned with passing on cultural knowledge, Mr Carroll found his paternal homeland an unwavering source of inspiration and the recurrent subject within his oeuvre of paintings and ceramic sculptures.

Belinda Briggs, Alison Milyika Carroll, Luke Scholes

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Kunmanara Carroll was a Luritja, Pintupi and Pitjantjatjara man based in Pukatja and working from Ernabella Arts. He was born in 1950 and passed away in 2021.